The Blogger Tag

Wow, what is this gorgeous weather we’ve been experiencing the past week or so?! It’s gorgeous and I wish the UK could be like it ALL THE TIME.

Sadly, I’ve not really been able to enjoy it 100% due to being busy etc. If I had furniture in my garden, I totally would be sat outside right now, with a cocktail (made by moi!) and writing this. Instead I’m sat by my back door, on my swivel chair with a glass of milk.

I didn’t have a clue what to write today in all honesty with you. I just wanted to spend my evening binge watching Peter Kay’s Car Share and playing Detective Pikachu. Alas, a blog post needs to be done and I’ve opted for a tag!

I found The Blogger Tag a while ago through Clairelouiisexo who had a go at the tag a while ago. You can find her answers here.

I know you’re meant to be tagged to do this post, but meh I never give a shit about that stuff to be perfectly honest with you.

  • How long have you been blogging for and why did you start?

I’ve been blogging since I was 22, so 6 years now! I started writing my blog because I wanted somewhere to write about the things I love and enjoy talking about. I’d wanted to go to YouTube but I lacked the confidence and as I’d not long finished university (where I studied creative writing) my writing urges were strong. I’m so glad I decided to get into blogging, I’ve met and spoken to some amazing ladies over the years, as well as been offered some amazing experiences along the way!

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Image taken from GIPHY

  • Is this current blog your first blog?

It’s actually my second but my first one only had a couple of blog posts on it before me moving over to WordPress. It was called something like Pashion For Fassion or something along those lines. I think I wrote a Lush Godmother Soap review on there, as well as a couple of designer wish lists. The name alone makes me cringe so bloody much! Before my blog was called There Might Be Coffee it was called Broken Prophet Blog. That was after my old Twitter handle. It was awful and it had to go!

  • What would you categorise your blog as?

I always say that I’m a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogger with a geeky flare. I talk about all sorts though really, but I mostly talk about lifestyle stuff.

  • Is it still the same kind of blog as when you started?

Oh hell no! Since meeting my boyfriend Dane in 2013 he’s helped me shape who I am now. I’m a MASSIVE nerd and love so many things, including anything Japanese related. I used to be heavily fashion related years ago when I first started and definitely more into my lipsticks than I currently am. I’ve just branched out I suppose and instead of writing about what I thought was the right thing to do, I now write about what I WANT to.

  • Top 3 things about being a blogger?

The amazing fellow bloggers out there I’ve met and befriended.

Reading lovely comments from people on my blog posts (they’re the best bit tbh).

The wonderful opportunities I’ve gained through being a blogger, as well as experience.

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Image taken from GIPHY

  • What is your favourite kind of post to write?

All sorts really, it entirely depends on my mood. I love writing my monthly posts to share what products and general things I loved the previous month. I also love writing reviews about products I’ve both loved and hated. Most of all I love being able to write about anything I am passionate about and love to bits.

  • What is the hardest post you have ever written and published?

I don’t know to be honest with you… It’s such a tough question to answer! I guess some of the hardest posts I’ve ever had to write and publish have been when I’ve been honest about things, especially mental health issues. It’s hard enough writing the post, let alone publishing it for the world to see.

  • Tag 3 (or more) lovely bloggers!

Sarah – Raiin Monkey

Estelle – Estellosaurus

Vikki – Cuteek

SO that was The Blogger Tag! I’m so glad I’ve given this post a go as it was so much fun to do. I’m such a sucker for blog posts when it involves the whole questions and answers part. I put this down to passing hours of time after school and college on MySpace and doing the Q&A posts!

As I said on my last post, I do apologise for how quiet I’ve been of late on my blog, I’ve not been very well sadly and meh I’ve needed a break. I’m starting to feel better though now, which is good! I hope my readers are all well.

Until next time, take care all and I hope you’re ready for bank holiday!


The Gamer Tag

Oh man I love a good tag post to take part in and I’ve seen a couple of game related ones floating around lately! I’m not as big a gamer as I used to be, but even so I LOVE gaming on my own, as well as with Dane and our friends.

When I saw that Eleanor had done The Gamer Tag, I thought I would give it a go myself!

Like she did, I tag anyone who reads this post and wants to give it a go.

I hope you like and can relate to my answers!


I actually cannot remember and to be honest I’m 1. Too lazy to go and find out and 2. I don’t want randomers adding me. πŸ˜›


I like both but I’ve always been a console gal! πŸ˜›


PlayStation 4, but considering I have an Xbox One and a Nintendo 2DS, the possibilities are endless! But if there’s a game I really want and it’s on PS4, I’ll get a game for that.


I prefer my 2DS to my PS Vita as I find there’s more choice, but I feel like I can do that little more on my PS Vita… AKA watch Crunchyroll. πŸ˜›


Gamepad for sure! I always get flustered using a keyboard.


Depends on the game really… I love my single player games for obvious reasons, but I love playing with my friends too on multiplayer! I’d love for Persona 5 to be multiplayer so I could play with Dane.


It was probably Pop’n Twinbee on the SNES. I still own that console as well as all the games I had handed down to me from my older brother and it’s safe to say, I still love it!


Mmm… I thought long and hard about this for all of a minute and it’s definitely Rocket League! I cannot play it for toffee and I just hate it purely for how much I struggle to play it. I’ve played it with friends and just ended up rage quitting. I chase after the ball constantly and do fuck all with it. URGH!!!


The SNES! One of my older brothers bought himself a PlayStation so I had this donated to me. Years ago he asked my dad if he could have it back. Erm, no. πŸ˜› I still love it so much and play it once in a blue moon.

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Image taken from Giphy


Oh man it used to be Pokemon but I think it’s been pushed off by Persona 5 recently! I don’t know, it might just be a toss up between the two. I’m a bit let down by Pokemon with Sun and Moon. They’re so different, easy to play and just boring and lame. I’m also sick and tired of them adding more and more Pokemon to the games… Only for them to be shite and pointless items! I don’t mind when it adds to stuff that works, AKA the Alohan forms as well as Eeveelutions, but I’m sick of Pokemon such as a bunch of keys or an ice cream. Come on guys, sort it out!


Persona 5 for sure! I’m still on my second play through and trying to make it 100%! I’m also playing Persona 4: Golden at the same time… Which reminds me, I need to continue playing it! πŸ˜›


I don’t know to be honest… I’m really loving JRPGs (Japanese role playing games) at the moment and I want to get more! I love games where I can relax whilst I play them too, such as Sims 4, Animal Crossing as well as Cooking Mama. It depends on my mood really!

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Image taken from Giphy


Oh man it has to be Akira/Joker from Persona 5. He’s such and awesome and loveable character. He’s been through shit and still acts normal and not hating the world for what has happened. I love that he hasn’t rebelled or acted like a dick.

Also how can I forget Princess Kenny?! Not a massive video game character, more of a TV show character but fuck it, she was in a game and she was bloody fabulous! πŸ˜›


I had to ask Dane for help on this as I couldn’t think of anyone for AGES! The only person either of us could come up with was Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher 3. I just don’t like the sound of his voice and urgh! Dane used to play this LOADS at one point and I hated whenever the character spoke. I can’t say I hate him, but I can’t think of anyone else…


I can’t think of any games I’m really arsed about right now… Apart from the new Persona dance games that are due out this year in Japan and maybe 2019 in the UK. I know I’m excited for a couple of games but meh they haven’t announced a date for some of them yet so sadly my hype and excitement for them can’t start just yet… Sad times!

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Image taken from Giphy


I’ve always loved everything that Quantic Dream have released, especially Heavy Rain! I know everyone went mad for it but I’d played Fahrenheit beforehand so I was excited for Heavy Rain leading up to its released. I’m excited for Detroit: Become Human but there isn’t a release date yet. WHICH SUCKS!


I own many, but my most up to date one is my PlayStation 4. Alongside that I have my SNES, GameCube, PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and a PlayStation 3. I also have variousΒ  handhelds including a GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo 2DS and PS Vita.


Since I can remember! Probably since the age of 5 or 6 when I was first given my SNES and my GameBoy.


Probably 12 hours… If there has been a longer gaming session then fuck knows when it was! When me and Dane first got together we would spend Sunday’s playing Minecraft for as long as possible before either of us went back home. I don’t play games as much as I used to and only tend to for long periods of time is if 1. Dane is away for work and I’m bored and 2. I’m obsessed with a game and Dane is happy doing his own thing for a very long time.


Definitely Persona 5! I’m currently on something stupid like 200-300 hours of game play! I am on my second play through however and near the end of it… I intend to play it again as well so that I can get all the trophies on it. πŸ˜› I’m pretty cure I have more hours on games such as Heavy Rain and any of the LEGO games I own due to wanting to get to 100% and all the trophies.

So that is The Gamer Tag! I do apologise for talking loads about Persona 5, but I swear that game has kind of changed my life… Gamer wise anyway! I’ve not loved something so much since I discovered Pokemon, lipstick and katsu curry!

Will you be giving The Gamer Tag a go if you’re a blogger? Make sure to link me to your answers and posts down below or over at my Twitter handle (@maybeecoffee).

Until next time, take care all and I hope you’re having a lovely week!


50 Questions I’ve Never Been Asked

Another day, another tag! I’ve had a really busy day off and I had started writing a blog post but I feel too lethargic to finish it off, sadly. 😦 I just feel the urge to play South Park and snuggle up on the sofa for a bit before I have to get up to do anything else today… AKA food shop and cook dinner.

So I thought I would do a relaxing tag/questions post whilst me and Dane watch the latest episode of The Great British Bake Off!

I found this tag/questions through Jasmine over at Jazzie Pickles, please make sure to go and check out her answers!

1) What is your favourite candle scent?
I love food smells so stuff like baking and fruit like blueberries and strawberries. I also really love mint smells.

2) What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
Blake Lively so I could have Ryan Reynolds be my brother in law. πŸ˜‰

3) What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
I’d love Martin Freeman as an older brother!

4) How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
IF me and Dane get married it won’t be until we’re very old.

5) Do you know a hoarder?
Yeah my family and myself. >.<

6) Can you do the splits?

7) How old were you when you learnt to ride a bike?
I was probably 3 or 4. 9 or 10 without stabilisers.

8) How many oceans have you swam in?
Just one.

9) How many countries have you visited?
Inc Wales, just two.

10) Is anyone in your family in the army?

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11) What would you call your daughter if you had one?
I really like the name Bobbie but Dane hates it.

12) What would you name your son if you had one?
Brandon! But again, Dane hates it. >.<

13) What’s the worst grade you’ve got in a test?
E. >.<

14) What was your favourite TV show as a kid?
Pokemon and The Sooty Show.

15) What did you dress up as for Halloween when you were 8?
I don’t think I dressed up as anything.

16) Have you ever read Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight?
I haven’t read any of them…

17) Would you rather have an American or British accent?
British definitely! Even with my horrible Brummy accent.

18) Did your mother go to University?
She didn’t no.

19) Are your grandparents still married?
They were when they passed away.

20) Have you ever taken Karate lessons?

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21) Do you know who Kermit the frog is?

22) What was the first amusement park you went to?
Drayton Manor.

23) What language beside your native language would you like to be fluent in?

24) Do you spell the colour as grey or gray?
Who the fuck spells is with an a? :S Grey for definite.

25) Is your father bald?

26) Do you know any triplets?
I don’.

27) Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
The Notebook.

28) Have you ever had Indian food?

29) What’s the name of your favourite restaurant?
YO! Sushi.

30) Have you ever been to Nandos?
Yes and it’s amazing! πŸ˜›

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31) Do you belong to and warehouse stores? (Costco, Bookers etc)
I don’t nooooo.

32) What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
I don’t have a clue to be honest… I have a feeling it’d be Thomas… I’ll have to ask them!

33) If you have a nickname, what is it?
Nat and Natflaps… Don’t ask. πŸ˜› It’s not rude! Our friends Lee and Sam came up with it whilst playing Minecraft. Might be because I flap and panic when going into dungeons on my own.

34) Who is your favourite person in the world?
DANE! πŸ˜€

35) Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?
Countryside to be perfectly honest..

36) Can you whistle?
I can! πŸ˜€

37) Do you sleep with a night light?
I don’t, no.

38) Do you eat breakfast every morning?
Yeah although I haven’t today…

39) What medical conditions do you have?
I don’t really have any other than my anxiety and depression.

40) How many times have you been to hospital?
I’ve been to A&E once… Does that count?

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41) Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
Yeahhh and it’s okay… Not one of my favourite Disney films.

42) Where do you buy your jeans?
I usually get them from whenever I can. I haven’t bought any for ages.

43) What was the last compliment you got?
My mom told me my lipstick look lovely yesterday when I Face timed her. πŸ™‚

44) Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
I usually do to be honest yeah! They’re quite odd at the best of times.

45) What flavour tea do you enjoy?
I love peppermint tea.

46) How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
Too many! Probably 10.

47) What religion will you raise your children to practice?
None. If they wish to have a religion I’m happy for them to discover that for themselves.

48) How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real?
Probably 10.

49) Why do you have a blog?
Because I love to write and wanted somewhere where I could and people could read it and enjoy what I was writing.

50) Name 5 of your favourite albums ever
Evanescence – Fallen.
cKy – Infiltrate. Destroy. Rebuild.
Daft Punk – Alive 2007.
Coldplay – Parachutes.
The Pretty Reckless – Light Me Up.

So those are the 50 questions, done and answered!

What did you think of the tag/questions? Have you ever encountered them as a reader and/or blogger? Make sure to give it a go yourself if you like the look of it!

Until next time, take care all and I hope you have a lovely weekend!


Identity Tag

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I recently found this tag post over on Tori’s blog and I wanted to post it today as I’m due to go on holiday in LESS THAN A WEEK NOW! OMG! Due to this I’m a little busy today on my day off and I actually need to start packing my suitcase, or it’ll be left until the last minute. πŸ˜›

I love doing tag posts so let’s get on with it! πŸ˜€

If they made a song about your life what genre would it be?

It would definitely be in the rock genre and probably a slow sort of rock with some powerful guitar solos thrown in there for good measure.

What is your sole purpose in life?

To have a happy life with Dane. To do whatever makes us happy and be comfortable. Have a lovely home with at least one child, a miniature schnauzer puppy and many holidays to Japan.

What do you regret doing?

I regret not studying a degree I could get some use from.

What are your strengths?

I’m passionate about the things I love, whenever someone needs me for anything I like to think I can be an honest shoulder to cry on. I’m also good at writing, I like to think so at least…

What are your weaknesses?

I get wound up and pissed off too easily. My anxiety can stop me doing things that I really want to do. Oh and I bear grudges.

What is one thing that people might not know about you?

Erm… I dunno really… That I love Marmite? xD

What has been the best decision of you life?

Joining Plenty of Fish for a laugh back in 2013. I wouldn’t have met Dane if I hadn’t and God knows who I would be with now and if I’d have my lovely home. It’s from meeting Dane that my inner geek came out. I just became the person I am due to him and I am thankful for that everyday.

What are you afraid of and why?

I’m afraid of fucking up and losing all of this. Although I am low most days and suicidal I am at the same time thankful and happy with what I have with Dane and how he has shaped me and helped me be who I really am and who I have always wanted to be. The fear of change and loss bugs me.

So who do I tag to do the identity tag? EVERYONE! πŸ˜€

I also want to say a massive thank you to Tori for tuning in to both of my first Instagram live videos that I hosted over on my blog Instagram last weekend. She was lovely and gave me so much confidence! I hope to do another live video tonight, so keep your eyes peeled for that if you’re interested!

Until next time, take care all and I hope you’re having an awesome week so far!


The Self Love Tag

I’m sorry my blog has been lacking of a blog post since my haul, but sadly due to being a mixture of busy and Dane taking too long to do his part on a blog post I wanted to get something out there before the end of the week!

We’ve been really busy sadly due to both being off work to chill out together and do work on the house. We have done zero relaxing and chilling and more WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK… πŸ˜›

Finally it’s Saturday night, I have some vlogs playing and I’m going to take part in the self love tag, which I found over on Sally’s blog Little Budget’s, which I’ll leave a link to here.

Here are the rules:

Answer all the questions honestly!

Tag 5 people you’d like to do this tag! I’m just going to put it out there, if you read this post you must take part in this tag! πŸ˜›

Anyway, on with the questions! πŸ˜€

1. What is something that’s getting you down at the moment?

Without going into too much detail about it, my job. It’s not what I want to do in life right now and without sounding like a dick, I am so much better than that. I have an MA for fuck sake and it certainly isn’t in the job I’m currently doing. Alongside that money, which again is down to my job.

2. What is something that makes you happy?

Spending time with my boyfriend and friends and writing for my blog. I know that’s probably classed as two things, but they’re both things that cheer me up no matter what.

3. Name 3 guilty pleasures.

Eating anything savoury, scouting eBay for geeky goodies and picking the ingrown hairs out of Dane’s face. πŸ˜›

4. What is something about yourself you want to improve?

I’d like to try and get back into shape again. I was toned as fuck when I first started my job and I looked hella good because of it! Now, whilst I have lost a bit of weight I want to be toned. I miss my minor two pack abs and hench as fuck arms. 😦

5. When was the last time you belly laughed?

Wednesday night/Thursday morning over at a friends house. We were playing games and we just hollered with laughter. It was amazing.

6. What is your biggest insecurity/fear?

I guess failing. I don’t want to end up looking back on my life and thinking, “Fuck Nat what did you do wrong?” I want to have a great job that not only pays my bills but enables me to do things I REALLY want to do. Examples being going to Japan, buying things I really want, paying off our mortgage, etc. As well as that I really do want to start my own family, but right now I’m such a mess that I just can’t and that fucking sucks. I just want to do well in life. 😦

7. Name a song that always cheers you up when you’re down.

Erm… I’m not sure to be honest I have so many! xD Right now the main song from Persona 5 makes me happy.

8. Name 3 things you like about yourself.

My eyebrows as they’re naturally amazing. My hair because it’s lovely, long and wavy. Finally… Probably (I know it’s two) but my boobs and bum. Over the years they’ve just got better and it’s nice to finally have a chest! That and Dane loves my bum, which is something I’ve always hated as I thought it was too big. It’s from him loving it that has helped me love it too. :’)

9. What is an achievement that’s made you proud of yourself this year?

I can’t say as I have one to be honest… I know that sounds dumb but I really can’t think of anything. So far this year it’s been a mix of massive emotions. If anything I know a few are proud of me for reaching out for help about my mental health, but I just feel like that isn’t enough to make myself proud sadly. So right now nothing has made me proud yet… Sadly.

10. Tell us your happiest memory.

Ever? Erm… Quite possibly when me and Dane went to Fuerteventura for the first time and went out together for little adventures in the day. Due to this it makes me really excited for September when we go again!

So those are my answers for the self love tag! Will you be giving it a go? If so make sure to comment on here and link me to your posts! πŸ˜€

Until next time all take care and I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend so far.

