Is the Hiatus Over? Am I back?

The last time my blog was graced with a post was December 2022… 17 months ago in fact. Some of you may know where I’ve been during my hiatus… Some of you may not. Let me explain.

The end of 2022 was a tad on the shit side for me. I got Covid for the first time (that I’m aware of, at least) and I was secluded to my front room/office for a week sleeping on a blow up bed and binge watching shite on my iPad. It really sucked. Without saying too much I’d also changed departments at work and I wasn’t really in the mind set of being in a new department at the time. The end of 2022 was rubbish to be blunt for a lot of reasons, and a lot of 2023 wasn’t much better either.

This is one of the reasons I decided to step away from my blog for a while. Writing was fun, but I started to only partially enjoy it. I was coming home from work a lot of the time and playing games, reading manga, or doom scrolling through Instagram. The last thing on my mind was to sit here and write, because… I didn’t feel like I had a fat lot to write about?

I started to wonder if I’d lost my writing mojo, and wondered if I’d ever get it back… So, instead of forcing myself to write about whatever stuff I’d ordered online, or what my favourites were for the month, I decided to step back and have a break to really start to think about if my blog had come to an end, or if I just needed some space from it to think what my next venture was for it.

Well, lately I’ve really been feeling like my mojo is coming back and I think I know what I want to write about. Since the start of 2023 I’ve been reading more manga than ever and it’s become something I adore and love so much, that some weeks I just can’t get enough of it. I do use Instagram lately to share and talk about manga I’m buying, reading, and loving but it doesn’t feel enough sometimes… So, I thought I would come back here whenever the mood takes me to talk about new series I’m reading, want to read, and more!

I don’t think my blog will post weekly like it used to, it will more so be a place to come and talk about things when the writing juices are flowing and I have things I really need to share with someone!

I have ideas of what I’d like to come back with, such as a MASSIVE life update from the past 17 months, where I buy manga from, series I’ve read, series I recommend, as well as series I have on my to buy and ordered lists.

I really hope you guys are as excited for There Might Be Coffee’s next journey as well as I am!

I’ve really missed sitting at my laptop writing like this… I’m so happy to finally be back. :’)

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