L’Oreal Paris Infallible Matte Lip Paint in Nude-Ist – Review

Oh dear I can’t believe I haven’t written a review since before I went on holiday! The review was back in August and I do apologise for how long it’s taken me. I’m sure there are various reasons, mostly being too busy and to be honest a little bit too miserable to wear any lip products, which makes me feel sad.

I’ve been at my new job a week now and I can safely say I love it and wearing my lipsticks again is back, and that in itself makes me so happy! I haven’t yet ventured into wearing dark lipsticks but give it time… I’m sure I soon will when I feel comfortable!

In the meantime I dug out a lip paint that I picked up in September and have been meaning to review for quite a while now. I’ve felt a mixture of thoughts about this lip paint and after my holiday I put off using it for a while due to that. Of course I’ll go into that in more detail as and when I can throughout this review.

For now grab a not hot drink because it’s bloody freezing today and I hope you enjoy my review.

I’ve wanted to try one of the L’Oreal lip paints since they first came out, but I could never find a shade that I really liked the look of. I did notice Nude-Ist through the advertisements in Boots but I still wasn’t sure about it due to it being marked as a nude shade. I’m not a fan of nude shades AT ALL! However when I read Emily’s review of this over at her blog The Mini Mermaid. I loved her review so much of it and she included swatches, which encouraged me to swatch this myself and ended up with me buying it.

Although Nude-Ist is a nude shade, it does look more of a purple grey shade to me. Let’s just say that if it was shouting out nude, I wouldn’t buy it!

I want to start off but addressing one of the main issues I have with this lip paint and it’s nothing to do with the product itself… When I bought this all of the tubes in the display were scratched, I even grabbed one of the tubes from the back and it was the same, so I bought that one. None of these were protected in plastic either, so I didn’t know if I was picking up a new one or a tester, which was sort of annoying. When I got it home and tried it, it looked like it had been used due to the screw cap inside the tube being covered in the product. The tube also didn’t feel very full, as if it was half empty. I was meant to take it back to the store but ended up leaving it, as I bet they wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it.

This put me off using the product in all fairness, but it’s been okay. I have noticed a few issues though when I first bought it, but I don’t know if this is due to it actually being a used product or just the product in general. I’ll go into this as the review goes on. For now I’ll talk about the packaging itself.

It’s very different to most liquid lipsticks and lip paints. This one comes with a fluffy doe foot applicator which is my favourite to use when applying these sorts of lip products. Although I don’t like the style of the tube due to it not being see through it, I do like that you can squeeze it and thus get more product onto the applicator.

The product has a smell that I’ve noticed in previous L’Oreal lip products, including one of the lipsticks I bought and reviewed back in 2014, which you can read here. It reminds me of Parma Violets, which I’m not the biggest fan of. Due to the smell it does put me off wearing this lip paint if I’m being sensitive. There has been a couple of occasions where I’ve worn this and the smell has been so strong on my lips that when I’ve been breathing and talking through my mouth it’s made my throat sore due to the scent. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t strong or heavy by any means and when I’ve re worn this again recently I’ve not encountered these issues again… So I’m not sure what it could be. Maybe I had applied too much of it on my lips.

This is definitely creamy in texture and due to that is so comfortable to wear throughout the day, as well as easy to apply! It’s also great to apply slight for a lighter colour, or heavier for a stronger colour payoff. I always go for the latter!

It’s meant to be a matte lip paint and due to the cream texture it sort of is, especially when it’s dried down a little. For a matte lip products it’s certainly comfortable to wear and that is always a bonus!

I find this wears really nice and I only really needed to top it up at work after I’d eaten my lunch. I drink various hot and cold drinks throughout the day now so doing wear tests are better than they used to be in my old job. This still wears well though even after various hot drinks.

This isn’t a liquid lipstick and won’t outlast a kiss test! This will transfer and the sight on my work mug (which is Adventure Time! :P) was crazy! This didn’t affect the colour though, which was great news to me.

This removes really well and just needs a baby wipe to remove, or just your make up remover. I have used Vaseline and baby wipes before, but either way it won’t leave a stain behind or your lips feeling sore, which is always a winner!

I do love Nude-Ist as it’s the perfect autumn and winter shade! I can honestly see me wearing this loads when the weather is colder due to how comfortable it is to wear. I also love how it’s not an “in your face” shade, but shows off my love for purple lipsticks!

As I always do (in traditional There Might Be Coffee fashion…) I’m showing off what the product looks like will full coverage, as well as what it looks like when it’s worn down.

With full coverage

With full coverage (my favourite picture! :D)

Worn down

I don’t know if I’d pick up anymore of these lip paints however, I’d definitely repurchase this shade but I think I would only pick it up in store if it had a secure wrapper on it. I don’t trust to buy another and for it to have been possibly used.

After reviewing this I really want to wear it tonight now, but I don’t think I can be bothered… As lazy as that is! 😛

Have you tried any of the L’Oreal lip paints? If so what did you think of them? Which shades do you have or want? Make sure to let me know in the comments!

Until next time take care all and I hope you have an awesome weekend.
