The Mystery Blogger Award

It’s a Wednesday evening and I’m sat in my garden with a cold drink and Daft Punk playing in the background. I’m loving life right now, especially considering the weekend is also around the corner. πŸ˜›

I was thinking for ages about what I could do today’s blog post about and I had loads of ideas swirling around but I didn’t feel like any of them were suitable for today. Then I remembered, Gemma had tagged me in The Mystery Blogger Award post of hers!


In the past I’ve been nominated for one, maybe two awards but meh I never bothered with them. I really like the sound of this one though! πŸ˜›

The award was originally created by Okoto Enigma and as I said before, Gemma nominated me so a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Gemma for that, who I talk to on Twitter about Pokemon Go! πŸ˜›

So, off we go! πŸ˜€

The Rules!…

1. Display the award logo/image on your blog.

2. List the rules.

3. Thank whoever nominated you and link their blog.

4. Mention the creator of the award and link their blog.

5. Tell the readers 3 things about yourself.

6. Nominate 10-20 people. Notify them by commenting on their blog.

7. Ask your nominees any 5 questions, with one being weird or funny (specify which one that is)

8. Share a link to your best posts.

Three things about me!

1. I’m a massive Pokemon fan and have been since I was 9 years old, that means next year I’ll have been a fan for 20 years!

2. My favourite colour to wear is black, but red is also another colour I love wearing.

3. I was asked recently which band I would love to see before I die and the answer is Daft Punk. I’ve loved them since One More Time was released and since then they’ve been one of my favourite bands.

The questions Gemma asked us…

Q1. What are your Autumn and Winter go to comforts?

A1. Oh so many! Definitely having a lovely hot bubble bath, burning scented candles and especially wrapping up in my favourite fluffy blanket. I love being toasty and warm so evenings like this are the best, ever!

Q2. If your life had a scent what would it be?

A2. Mmm I don’t know to be honest with you… Probably Alien or Angel or something peppermint scented. πŸ˜›

Q3. What film are you most looking forward to this year?

A3. I was most looking forward to Deadpool 2 and now that’s finished… I’m really excited for Bohemian Rhapsody later this year to be honest with you as well as Venom.

Q4. If you could have any cartoon character narrate your day to day life like a book who would you choose? – funny question.

A4. Holy shit I have SO MANY IDEAS! Okay, one idea is the narrator from the original Pokemon anime and Morgana from Persona 5. πŸ˜›

Q5. What was/is your favourite cartoon/anime?

A5. If I had to choose one anime it would probably have to be Nana, but if I had the choice of a couple I would also add K-ON!.

As for nominations, I’ve just got to nominate these gorgeous human beings…

Raiin Monkey


Simply Stacey

Evolution Of Amy Jane



Eleanor May

The Mini Mermaid

Her Gaming World

Little Pink Duck

My questions for you guys are…

Q1. What is one thing you are really excited for this year? It can be as big or as small as you wish.

Q2. Who is your oldest/best friend? I want you to tell me how you met and a funny moment you both share.

Q3. If you could be a biscuit, which biscuit would you be? (Funny)

Q4. What band/artist would you like to see before you die? Obviously they have to still be around.

Q5. As it is the summer holidays, what is your favourite childhood memory from your six weeks off school?

Finally, my 3 best blog posts…

Benefit Gogotint Cheek & Lip Stain – Review

L’Oreal Paris Pure Clay Face Mask in Blemish Rescue – Review

Barry M Colour Changing Lip Paints in Genie, Neptune and Unicorn – Review

Aww I’ve loved so much taking part in this award and I really hope all the gorgeous people I’ve tagged to do it too give it a go! I certainly can’t wait to read their answers. πŸ˜€

I hope you’re all having a great week, the weekend will be here before we know it.

Until next time all, take care and see you next time.


4 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Ahh I love it! You’re holy shit reaction to question 4 is the best!! πŸ˜‚ im so glad you enjoyed doing this, thank you for answering my questions xx

  2. Thankyou for the tag lovely! It was awesome reading your answers, you always make me giggle with your tag posts πŸ™‚ I am also so excited for the Venom movie! Yes!! I love your answer to Q4, the original Pokemon narrator has a great voice! I love the narrator’s voice from The Moomins cartoon πŸ˜€ Your questions are brilliant… I’m now trying to decide what kind of biscuit I most relate to XD hahaha – Sarah x

    • Hahaha I’m so glad you loved my answers! I spend ages trying to answer them in the quirkiest way possible. πŸ˜› ooo I can’t remember what The Moomins narrator sounds like! :O I’ll have to go and watch a video to remember.

      Haha the biscuit question came from something a girl I work with was asked at her job interview years ago for Cath Kidston, so I knew I had to use it. πŸ˜›


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